Inner Child Wounds – Childhood Trauma in Adults
Inner child wounds are attachment injuries we carry into adulthood because of childhood trauma. Here are some signs & ways to heal your inner child.
Therapy that resonates
What it would be like if you had a fulfilling inner emotional world that isn’t fraught with painful feelings that weigh you down?
What would it be like if you could show up for yourself and in relationships in authentic and meaningful ways?
What are you struggling with?
Our Expertise
We’re not working on getting you to feel better. Feeling better is a short-term fix. We want to move beyond that and towards living a satisfying life where you feel connected with others and connected with your self.
There are so many layers to a person beyond their diagnostic category. Our approach to therapy holistically recognizes your strengths, identities, physical wellness, your family history, the past and current social, cultural, and economic location(s) of you and your family.
We live in a society founded on systemic oppression and racism and we want to be mindful of how oppression and all the “-isms” can impact your life and mental health. We welcome all the nuanced and diverse parts of your identity to this process
The more we can recognize and identify recurring themes and self-defeating patterns outside of our awareness, the more empowered we are to change the things that no longer serve us.
Our Therapists
How to get started
3 simple steps
Schedule a free 15-minute phone consultation to get a sense of each other. I will want to learn more about you and what you’re looking for.
The purpose of our initial session(s) is to get a feel for whether or not we might be able to work together. Sessions are flexible and tailored towards your needs.
Beginning therapy is a huge step towards your personal growth. Together, we will journey towards healing, self-exploration, and deepening your self-awareness.
Therapy is a tool to help you feel more grounded and fulfilled through the ebbs and flows of life.
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Inner child wounds are attachment injuries we carry into adulthood because of childhood trauma. Here are some signs & ways to heal your inner child.
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