New York Psychotherapists | New York City Therapists

Quality Online New York Psychotherapists for Busy New Yorkers

Our New York psychotherapists know what it like…You’re making your way through the bustling crowds. There is a cacophony of sirens, construction noise, and honking taxis.  You get on the crowded subway platform packed with people, all in a hurry to get somewhere. The train screeches to a halt, the doors open, and it’s a mad dash to secure a spot inside. 

New Yorkers face an additional layer of mental health stressors from living in this bustling city on top of caring for their Emotional Wellbeing

Licensed New York Psychotherapists -- for New Yorkers

Why us?

Our vetted therapists are New Yorkers trained in multiple therapeutic modalities to individualize therapy for you . Whether you are a native New Yorker or someone who moved to New York for school or work, we get what life in New York is like. We are equipped to support you on your emotional wellness journey.

Qualified new york psychotherapists trained in evidence based practices
Qualified new york psychotherapists who are LGBTQ affirming
Qualified new york psychotherapists who are culturally sensitive and provide multicultural therapy

Prioritize your mental health and self-care from the comfort of your Apartment.

We get the lack of nature and green spaces

We're New York City Therapists

While New York City has some beautiful parks, the urban environment can limit access to nature and green spaces. The absence of natural surroundings and limited opportunities for outdoor activities can impact mental well-being, as exposure to nature is known to have positive effects on stress reduction.

New York psychotherapists. New York City Therapists. Therapist in nyc . nyc therapist for new yorkers mental health. lack of green spaces in NYC
New York psychotherapists. New York City Therapists. Therapist in nyc . nyc therapist for new yorkers mental health

We understand the noise and overstimulation in New York

We're New York City Therapists

New York is a vibrant and energetic city with constant noise, sirens, honking horns, and crowded streets. The overstimulation from the city’s sensory overload can be overwhelming for some individuals and contribute to anxiety and stress.

We know what it's like to live with high levels of city-life stress.

We're New York City Therapists

Living in a fast-paced environment with a competitive job market, long work hours, and a constant rush can contribute to high levels of stress. The fast-paced nature of New York City can make it challenging for individuals to relax and find a work-life balance.

New York psychotherapists. New York City Therapists. Therapist in nyc . nyc therapist for new yorkers mental health


Setting Boundaries With Parents (at Any Age) Is One of the Most Important Things You Can Do for Your Mental Health
12 Thoughts That May Mean You’re Repressing Childhood Memories
6 Unexpected Ways Decluttering Can Help You Destress, Calm Down, and Take Care of Your Mental Health

Schedule a free 15 minute phone consult here

Prioritize your mental health and self-care from the comfort of your home.

Schedule a phone consult here. We’ll chat about any questions you might have, and it’ll be an opportunity for me to learn more about you and what you’re going through.

Frequently Asked Questions

about online therapy in NYC

Anyone who wants a space to explore and discover more about themselves can benefit from therapy with our New York psychotherapists. If you’re unsure, try asking yourself these questions:

  • Am I content with the way I live my life?
  • Is the way I live myself and relate to others congruent with what I authentically value , feel, and want?
  • Are there areas of my life or self-development that I feel stuck in?
  • Have I been trying the same things over and over again to feel better, expecting different results, but still feeling stagnant?

You may not need to know the full answer to these questions to try a few sessions. Sometimes, mulling this over aloud with a therapist can help you sort out your thoughts and answers. That’s also part of the therapy process!

Online therapy, also known as teletherapy, online counseling, and virtual therapy, is the delivery of psychotherapy via a modern video platform that’s confidential and secure. 

There are so many benefits to online therapy. Access to quality counseling services expands beyond a confined office space. Geographic location does not have to be a limiting factor in your search for a therapist you feel safe with and can trust to guide you through your mental health journey. 

Don’t settle for anyone just because they are available at a certain location. Therapy is a vulnerable process, and it’s so important to find someone you can trust and feel comfortable with.

Maybe you’re too overwhelmed and overcommitted to even think about calculating travel time or rearranging your schedule to commute to therapy. Or maybe medical or mental health matters make it complicated. Professionals and students can prioritize their mental health despite busy schedules. 

Online therapy – for New Yorkers and by New York psychotherapists- gives you the flexibility of taking care of your mental health from the comfort of your home, office, or car.

Online therapy, also known as teletherapy, online counseling, and virtual therapy, is the delivery of psychotherapy via a modern video platform that’s confidential and secure. The platform we use is called Doxy.  This can be used on a laptop, phone, or tablet as long as there’s internet connection. No downloads or signing up required.  Just click on the link at the time of our appointnment, enter your name, and you’ll be in the virtual ‘waiting room’ until we start the session.

It’s important to note that the nature of electronic communications technologies is such that there are still risks associated with participating in telehealth including, but not limited to, the possibility that despite reasonable efforts and safeguards on our part, sessions could be disrupted or distorted by technical failures and/or interrupted or accessed by unauthorized persons. To minimize this risk or any other disruptions, see below.

Take some time to find a comfortable private space where you can feel safe enough to be real and vulnerable. This can be anywhere – your bedroom, office, bathroom, your car, or even a walk in a park – as long can you can be undisturbed by others and can speak freely without worrying that others will hear you.

If you are in a room and want additional privacy, you can also have white noise or a podcast playing right outside your room. This drowns out the noise so that others outside of the room cannot hear your session inside.

Next, make sure that your internet connection is good. Test your internet connect on the video platform we use. If it’s not stable, you can close programs running in the background, pause large downloads, and move closer to your router. This should improve your overall connection quality. 

If you have out-of-network benefits, your insurance may be able to reimburse you for approximately 50%-80% of each session after the out-of-network deductible is met.

Out-of-network psychotherapy coverage varies by carrier and policy. It can be confusing, but we’re here to help! If you aren’t sure whether or not you have out-of-network benefits, we can check for you. Just email your insurance card and date of birth to 

Meeting consistently and stably on a weekly basis will help build safety and trust, which is essential for the work to progress on a deeper level. Biweekly sessions impact the effectiveness of therapy. 

Often, meeting less frequently results in a ‘catch up’ type of session and does not allow for the time, space, and emotional capacity needed to address what goes on beneath the surface.

Depending on the level of our work, there are also times when meeting two or more times a week is appropriate, and that will always come from us talking and making that decision together.

Therapy can last any time between a year to many more, as long as you are still progressing from our work. The length of therapy depends on what you want and need, and what you want/need can be fluid and dynamic. 

Healing and personal growth is not strict or predictable. You can start off by wanting to address something very specific (e.g. “I want to feel less anxious”), but through our work together could realize a deeper meaning to these anxious symptoms (e.g. “I feel anxious because I am terrified of intimacy” to “I’ve had very familiar experiences of being emotionally suffocated when I was close to people”). Realizing these deeper long-standing issues may then shape the focus and length of treatment. 

Regardless of why you are seeking therapy and how long you hope to be in treatment, it is important to remember that your thoughts and input are invaluable to me, and the pace and length of treatment will always be a collaborative discussion.