How to combat narcissism

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Do you have someone in your life who constantly brags, needs to be the center of attention, and has little regard for your feelings? If so, you may be dealing with a narcissist. Navigating a relationship with a narcissistic person can be draining. Their grandiose view of themselves and lack of empathy for others means conversations often leave you frustrated and exhausted. You can learn how to combat narcissism.

The good news is there are ways to improve relationships with narcissists by setting boundaries and managing your reactions. This blog provides tips to deal with narcissism in a way that maintains your sanity and dignity.

You’ll learn how to recognize narcissistic behaviors, establish healthy boundaries, avoid escalating conflicts, and extend empathy. Implementing these strategies can help minimize a narcissist’s harmful behaviors, sustain the relationship (if you decide you want to), and protect your own well-being. If you have a narcissist in your life, follow the advice in this blog post to safeguard your emotional health.

What are the narcissist traits?

narcissistic definition

narcissist traits

narcissist definition

The first step in learning how to combat narcissism is to recognize the common behaviors associated with narcissism. Understanding narcissistic traits not only shields you against emotional harm but also equips you with valuable tools for healthier, more resilient relationships and greater self-awareness.

narcissistic definition, narcissist definition, narcissist traits,

Some common narcissistic traits include:

  1. Grandiosity: Narcissists often have an inflated sense of self-importance. They may believe they are superior to others, and they frequently seek admiration and validation.

  2. Excessive Need for Admiration: Narcissists crave constant attention, admiration, and praise from others to validate their self-worth.

  3. Lack of Empathy: They have difficulty empathizing with the feelings and needs of others. Narcissists are often self-centered and may disregard or exploit others’ emotions.

  4. Manipulative Behavior: Narcissists may use manipulation, deceit, and charm to achieve their goals or maintain control in relationships.

  5. Sense of Entitlement: They believe they deserve special treatment and may expect others to cater to their needs and desires.

  6. Jealousy and Envy: Narcissists often harbor envy and resentment toward others’ successes and may become competitive or dismissive of those achievements.

  7. Shallow Relationships: They tend to have shallow, exploitative relationships, using others to meet their own needs without genuine emotional connection.

  8. Fragile Self-Esteem: Paradoxically, despite their grandiose exterior, many narcissists have fragile self-esteem and may react defensively to perceived criticism or rejection.

  9. Difficulty with Criticism: Narcissists often struggle with receiving criticism or negative feedback, reacting with defensiveness, anger, or even rage.

  10. Unrealistic Fantasies: They may have fantasies of unlimited success, power, beauty, or ideal love, believing they are destined for greatness.

Being able to identify narcissistic traits enables you to understand when an issue arises, it is likely not your fault. Narcissists are hypersensitive to criticism and often deflect blame onto others. Knowing this can help prevent you from internalizing their criticisms. Recognizing their superficial charm, tendency to seek compliments, and desire to surround themselves with people who feed their ego can help you avoid falling into traps of showering them with praise. Becoming aware of their lack of remorse and willingness to override your feelings and needs allows you to set the boundaries needed for a healthy relationship. Identifying narcissistic behaviors provides insight into their psyche and interpersonal dynamics. 

A note on covert narcissists: look out for them!

There is a subtype of narcissism known as covert narcissism, which can be even more difficult to recognize. Unlike overt narcissists who openly display grandiosity and arrogance, covert narcissists exhibit entitlement and desire for admiration in subtler ways. For example, a covert narcissist may constantly seek compliments, overemphasize their suffering, or idealize you early in the relationship. They are hypersensitive to perceived slights and quickly feel victimized. Covert narcissists also manipulate through passive aggression and by playing the victim. Their narcissism is concealed behind a facade of modesty and innocence. Recognizing covert narcissism requires paying close attention to subtle behaviors, entitlement, and fragility. While not as ostentatious as overt narcissists, covert narcissists similarly lack empathy and exploit others to nourish their egos. Identifying covert narcissistic tactics helps you set appropriate boundaries to combat narcissism.

Covert narcissist traits can include:

  1. Victim Mentality: Covert narcissists often portray themselves as victims, using self-pity to gain sympathy and manipulate others.

  2. Insecurity: They may have a deep-seated insecurity that drives their need for constant validation and attention, though they may not openly seek it as overt narcissists do.

  3. Passive-Aggressiveness: Covert narcissists may express their narcissistic tendencies through passive-aggressive behavior, making it challenging to detect their manipulation.

  4. False Modesty: They may downplay their achievements or portray themselves as humble, all while seeking admiration and validation.

  5. Lack of Empathy: Just like overt narcissists, covert narcissists often struggle with empathy and may be indifferent to others’ needs and feelings.

  6. Manipulation: Covert narcissists can be highly skilled at manipulating others, often through guilt, playing the victim, or using their apparent vulnerability to get what they want.

  7. Idealization and Devaluation: They may engage in idealization and devaluation cycles in their relationships, alternately praising and then criticizing or devaluing those around them.

How to recognize behaviors of a narcissistic partner (14 signs)

Learning to recognize behaviors of a narcissistic partner is a skill to develop as you learn how to combat narcissism.

narcissist traits, how to combat narcissism, how to deal narcissist , dealing narcissist, deal with narcissists, dealing with a narcissist

Being in a relationship with a narcissist can feel emotionally exhausting and damaging. Here are some of the ways a narcissist can manipulate and mistreat you:

  1. Idealization and Love-Bombing: At the beginning of the relationship, narcissists often idealize you, showering you with affection, attention, and praise. This phase, known as “love-bombing,” can create a strong emotional bond.

  2. Devaluation: After idealizing you, they gradually begin criticizing and belittling you. They start picking fights and blame you for their mistreatment of you. This emotional rollercoaster can leave you feeling confused and hurt.

  3. Control and Manipulation: Narcissists often seek to control you, whether through emotional manipulation, financial control, or other means. They may use guilt, threats, or intimidation to get their way.

  4. Jealousy and Possessiveness: Narcissists may become jealous and possessive, trying to isolate you from friends and family. They may accuse you of infidelity without cause.

  5. Emotional Abuse: Emotional abuse is common in these relationships, with narcissists engaging in name-calling, put-downs, and emotional neglect.

  6. Gaslighting: They manipulate the facts to make you question your own sanity and memory. This leads you to distrust your own perceptions.

  7. Lack of Empathy: Narcissists have difficulty empathizing with your feelings and needs, often dismissing or ignoring them.

  8. Unrealistic Expectations: They may have unrealistic expectations of you, expecting constant admiration, validation, and attention.

  9. Projection:  They call you sensitive and dramatic when you react to their abusive behaviors. In fact, they are the thin-skinned ones.

  10. Triangulation: They add other people to the relationship dynamic to make you feel jealous and work harder for their affection.
  11. Lack of Accountability: Narcissists often avoid taking responsibility for their actions and may shift blame onto you or other people.

  12. Isolation: Narcissists may try to isolate you from friends and family in order to gain more control in the relationship and limit your support network.

  13. Competitiveness:  Narcissists may view their relationship as a competition where they constantly seek opportunities to assert their dominance and superiority over you.

  14. Narcissistic Injury:  When you challenge or provide feedback to them, even constructively, narcissists are prone to reacting with rage, defensiveness, or withdrawing affection as a result of the blow to their ego, which is known as a narcissistic injury.

Read more about how narcissism shows up in different relationships here.

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How to combat narcissism

How to deal narcissist

dealing narcissist

dealing with narcissist

dealing with narcissists

how to combat narcissism, how to deal narcissist , dealing narcissist, deal with narcissists, dealing with a narcissist

1. Recognize their limitations

Recognizing their limitations is a skill to develop as you learn how to combat narcissism.

Dealing with a narcissistic person can be exhausting and damaging to your self-esteem. The first and most critical step in how to combat narcissism is to identify the specific narcissistic behaviors you are facing so you can understand the limitations of the other person. This knowledge can help prevent you from internalizing their criticisms and manipulations. Recognizing characteristics like their sense of entitlement, need for constant praise, and lack of empathy allows you to see that their words and actions are a reflection of their own narcissism, not a reflection of your worth.

2. Practice the skill of recognizing the intentions behind the narcissist's words

When communicating with a narcissist, it is important to practice the skill of looking deeper to recognize their true intentions behind the words. For example, if a narcissist gives you an overly critical comment, instead of taking it at face value, consider the intention behind it. Perhaps they are attempting to feel superior or exert control over you. Understanding that the criticism is a reflection of their narcissism, not truth, can prevent you from feeling hurt.

Similarly, if a narcissist expresses excessive praise or affection, look beyond the words to comprehend the intention to manipulate you or boost their own ego. Recognizing flattery as a tactic to control you diminishes its impact.

When a narcissist claims you are too sensitive, shift your focus from the words to the underlying intention to dismiss your feelings and defend their abusive behavior. Detecting the aim to gaslight you or avoid accountability allows you to sidestep this manipulation.

Practicing this habit of looking for underlying intentions rather than reacting to the narcissist’s words directly can help reduce their ability to manipulate you, strengthen your self-protection, and provide insight into their narcissistic tactics so that you can learn how to combat narcissism.

To help you better identify this, here are some examples of what a narcissist might say and the possible intentions behind their words:

Their words: “You’ll never find anyone who loves you like I do.” Potential Intentions: Creating dependency and fear of losing their affection

Their words: “You always make everything about you.” Intention: Shifting blame and diverting attention away from their actions.

Their words: “Why can’t you be more like [someone else]?” Intention: Criticizing you through comparison and making you feel inadequate.

Their words: “I had it much worse than you growing up.” Intention: Competing for victimhood and making you feel guilty.

Their words: “I’m the only one who truly cares about you.” “I’m the only one who truly understands you.” Intention: Isolating you from support networks.”

Their words: “You’re so lucky to have me in your life.” “You’ll never find someone who loves you like I do.” Intention: Seeking constant admiration and validation. Creating a sense of dependency and insecurity.

Their words: “You’re always causing drama.” “You’re too sensitive.” “Why do you have to be so difficult?”  Potential Intentions: Dismissing your feelings and perceptions. Blaming you for any conflicts and deflecting responsibility.

Their words: “You don’t need to hang out with them.” Potential Intentions:  Controlling your other relationships out of jealousy and possessiveness.

Their words: “I’m worried about you.” “I’m only trying to protect you.” Potential Intentions: Portraying themselves as the caring one to disguise controlling behavior.



Please note: While the examples I provided illustrate common manipulative tactics, it’s necessary to consider the broader context and the individual’s pattern of behavior when assessing whether manipulation is occurring. People can use these statements on occasion without necessarily having manipulative intentions. It’s the frequency, consistency, and the broader pattern of behavior that reveal whether someone is employing manipulative tactics.

It’s also helpful to trust your instincts and, if necessary, seek support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals when dealing with complex and challenging relationships.

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3. Develop the ability to recognize manipulation - 6 things to look out for

Recognizing manipulative tactics is a skill to develop as you learn how to combat narcissism.

Developing the ability to recognize manipulation is a powerful tool when dealing with a narcissistic person. This skill can empower you in various ways as you learn how to combat narcissism. Recognizing manipulation empowers you to regain a sense of control and agency in the relationship. It allows you to see through their tactics and make informed decisions. By understanding their tactics, you can approach conflicts with greater empathy and more effective problem-solving skills.

Moreover, awareness of manipulation helps protect your emotional well-being. It allows you to establish boundaries, reducing the emotional impact of their behavior. Understanding manipulation prevents you from internalizing blame and feeling guilty for their actions. You’re less likely to doubt your own perceptions and reactions.

Here’s what we’ll cover in this section: 

  1. Tune into your emotions to empower yourself
  2. Identify inconsistencies in their words and their actions
  3. Listen for reality distortions
  4. Pay attention to when they dismiss your point of view
  5. Watch out for guilt trips and shaming so you don’t internalize them 
  6. Notice when they are not taking responsibility
Tune into your emotions to empower yourself

Tuning into your own emotions is a very helpful way to identify when you are being manipulated by a narcissist. Here is an example:

When interacting with a narcissist, make it a habit to regularly check in with yourself and take note of how their words or actions make you feel emotionally. For instance, if they frequently criticize you in a joking manner that leads you to feel insecure, inadequate or confused, recognize that as potential manipulation, even if they dismiss it as just teasing.

Or if they often remind you of mistakes you made long ago and you feel a lingering sense of guilt or shame, identify that as possible manipulation to keep you feeling bad about yourself.

Additionally, if they flatter or praise you effusively and you feel a mix of excitement and dependence on their approval, that is likely manipulative love-bombing.

Noticing the emotional impact their behaviors have on you provides important clues to their underlying intentions. Naming these feelings helps prevent you from minimizing or self-blaming when they mistreat you. Your emotions reveal when their words are manipulative versus authentic. Tune in regularly to empower yourself.

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Identify inconsistencies in their words and their actions

Identifying inconsistencies between a narcissist’s words and actions is one way to recognize manipulation.

Comparing a narcissist’s words to their actions is an excellent way to identify manipulation and inconsistencies. Here’s an example:

A narcissist may excessively compliment you and profess their love and admiration (words). But their actions show a lack of real care or support when you need it. For instance, they may ignore you when you are upset or go weeks without contacting you.

The inconsistency between their verbal claims of love and their lack of caring actions exposes the real intention behind the words – to manipulate you, not express genuine care. Recognizing how their words ring hollow compared to their actions diminishes the impact of their fake praise.

Similarly, a narcissist may angrily accuse you of being selfish or too demanding when you make a request or need support (words). Yet their actions reveal a pattern of exploiting you for their own gain.

Noticing this hypocrisy and contradiction makes their criticism of you less hurtful or believable. You can recognize their words as deflection rather than truth.

Listen for reality distortions

Listening for distortions in a narcissist’s language is another way to identify manipulation and learn how to combat narcissism.

Here’s an example:

Narcissists frequently use extreme, exaggerated language that distorts the truth. For instance, if you confront them about being inconsiderate, they may accuse you of “always” attacking them or say you “constantly” criticize them, even when neither is true. Recognizing the clear distortion reveals an intention to manipulate you into feeling unjustified and defensive.

Or they may categorize small mistakes you make in the harshest terms, such as saying you “ruined” an event or “sabotaged” a plan by your actions. Identifying the obvious exaggeration makes their harsh judgment of you less impactful and points to their manipulative ways.

Narcissists also distort through absolute language like “you never” or “you always.” Noticing the total lack of nuance exposes the intention to control the narrative about you in an extreme way. Their distortions say more about their manipulation tactics than any truth.

Here are some examples of different types of distortions a narcissist may use and ways to identify them:

  • Exaggerations – They may describe a minor mistake you made as a “huge disaster” or say they “never” get time to themselves when you ask for space. Identifying obvious exaggerations reveals manipulation.
  • Lies – They may lie about things you supposedly said or did. Being attuned to any deception shows their willingness to distort the truth.
  • Projections – They may call you “arrogant” or “selfish” when those traits describe themselves. Recognizing these projections exposes their manipulation.
  • Assumptions – They presume to know your thoughts, feelings or motivations in an overly simplistic, critical way. Questioning their assumptions invalidates their distorted perspective.
  • Judgment – They categorize you in sweeping, critical terms like “lousy friend” or “toxic person.” Identifying this distortion allows you to reject their harsh judgment.

Looking out for distortions through exaggeration, lies, projection, assumptions and judgment helps protect you from a narcissist’s efforts to misrepresent reality. Their distortions aim to manipulate your emotions and self-perception. But being able to name the techniques of distortion keeps you grounded in truth.

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Pay attention to when they dismiss your point of view

When sharing your perspective or feelings about an issue with a narcissist, take note if they outright reject or minimize your viewpoint. For instance, if you try to provide constructive feedback and they accuse you of attacking them, recognize that as manipulation to dismiss your valid perspective.

Or if you open up about feeling hurt and they insist you are overly sensitive, identify that dismissal as an attempt to invalidate your feelings and defend their behavior.

Look for signs of them ignoring what you say, interrupting you, or quickly shifting the conversation back to themselves. Their unwillingness to acknowledge your viewpoint reveals a self-centered, manipulative agenda.

Notice if instead of thoughtfully considering your words, they react defensively or try to convince you your perspective makes no sense. Spotting when they dismiss rather than listen shows their aim is not truth or mutual understanding.

Paying attention to when and how a narcissist rejects your point of view, no matter how reasonably you present it, can be very telling. It exposes their manipulative tactics to distort reality and maintain their position of superiority. Don’t allow your voice to be silenced.

Watch out for guilt trips and shaming so you don't internalize them

Narcissists frequently use guilt trips and shaming language to manipulate others. For instance, if you say no to a request, they may accuse you of not caring about them or claim you are hurting them on purpose, laying on guilt. Recognizing these as manipulative tactics instead of truths allows you to fend off the guilt trip.

Or they may shame you by making derogatory comments about your character or values if you do something they dislike. Noticing it as an attempt to bully or shame you into compliance helps prevent falling into this trap.

They also shame through comparisons, such as saying things like “Why can’t you be more like ______?” Identifying the shaming language protects your self-worth.

Stay alert for exaggerated displays of victimhood, martyr-type comments, and any language designed to make you feel guilty or ashamed as a way to control you. Detecting and naming these tactics strengthens your ability to block manipulation so you can learn how to combat narcissism.

Notice when they are not taking responsibility

When faced with mistakes or wrongdoing, notice if a narcissist adamantly refuses to take any responsibility or blame. For instance, if their error caused a problem, do they insist it was someone else’s fault? Or do they come up with elaborate excuses and defenses as to why they are not at fault?

Recognizing when they unambiguously refuse to own up reveals their lack of accountability and attempts to control the narrative to avoid culpability.

Also look for subtle ways they divert attention from their responsibility, such as suddenly questioning your actions or bringing up your past mistakes when the focus is on them.

Identifying when and how they rebuff responsibility, no matter how reasonably you confront them, exposes their manipulation to always evade blame and dominate the situation. It’s a major red flag of unreliability and refusal to acknowledge wrongs.

Understanding and healing from the impact of a narcissism is a challenging journey, but you don't have to do it alone.

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4. Set boundaries: 11 types of boundaries you can set

Learn how to combat narcissism by setting boundaries

1. Physical boundaries

These boundaries involve personal space and physical contact. You can specify the physical distance you’re comfortable with and set limits on touching, hugging, or other physical interactions. 

Example: I feel uncomfortable with unexpected touching, so please ask before giving me a hug or touching me in any way.

2. Emotional boundaries

Emotional boundaries involve safeguarding your feelings and emotional well-being. You can communicate your needs and limits when it comes to discussing certain topics or sharing personal information.

Example:  I will not tolerate yelling, name-calling or put-downs. If a discussion becomes emotionally abusive, I will end the conversation.

3. Time Boundaries

Set limits on the time you’re willing to spend with the narcissistic person. Communicate when you’re available and when you need personal time and space.

Example:  I need time to myself each day to recharge. I am available to spend time together on Wednesdays and Saturdays, but the rest of the week I will be busy with my own plans.

how to combat narcissism by setting boundaries, how to deal narcissist , dealing narcissist, deal with narcissists, dealing with a narcissist
4. Communication Boundaries

Establish boundaries related to communication. This may include specifying how often you’re willing to engage in conversations or setting rules for respectful and constructive communication.

Example: Please do not interrupt me when I am speaking. I want us both to listen and speak respectfully without criticism. 

5. Financial Boundaries

If the narcissist person tends to exploit your resources, you can set financial boundaries. Clearly define how finances should be managed, and avoid being manipulated into providing financial support.

Example:  I will not be lending money or financially supporting you. We need to manage our finances separately based on what we each can afford.

6. Social Boundaries

Limit interactions in social settings or with specific people who may be toxic or manipulative. You can decide when and how you participate in social events involving the narcissistic person.

Example: I will decide when I want to attend events with you and am comfortable skipping events where I feel unwelcome or mistreated.

7. Information Boundaries

Control the information you share with the narcissist. Be selective about what you reveal, particularly if you fear it may be used against you. 

Example: I do not feel comfortable sharing personal details about my job or home life. Let’s focus our conversations on interests we have in common.

8. Privacy Boundaries

Maintain your privacy by setting boundaries related to personal space, access to your belongings, and online presence. Protect your personal space and online accounts.

Example: Please do not go through my phone, computer or personal belongings without my permission. I need my own personal space.

how to combat narcissism by setting privacy boundaries, how to deal narcissist , dealing narcissist, deal with narcissists, dealing with a narcissist
9. Disengagement Boundaries

Establish boundaries for disengaging from arguments or conflicts. Decide when and how you will disengage if a conversation becomes unproductive or abusive.

Example: If our discussions become heated, I will tell you I need to leave the situation and we can revisit the issue later when emotions have cooled down.

10. Consequence Boundaries

Communicate the consequences of crossing boundaries. Be clear about what will happen if the narcissist continues to violate your boundaries, such as reducing contact or seeking therapy.

Example: If you continue to be abusive, I will have to limit our interactions for my own well-being, including communicating less or only in public settings.

11. Non-Reactive Boundaries

Avoid reacting emotionally to provocation. Maintain emotional stability and composure in the face of manipulation or emotional abuse. Be uninteresting and emotionally unresponsive to make yourself an unattractive target for their manipulation.

5. Find ways to productively communicate with the narcissistic person - 8 Tips

Learn how to combat narcissism by using productive communication

1. Stay Calm and Emotionally Neutral

When interacting with a narcissist, remain calm and composed. Avoid reacting emotionally to their provocations. Emotional neutrality can help de-escalate conflicts. This is a subtle but powerful skill you can learn in how to combat narcissism.

2. Use "I" Statements

Frame your concerns using “I” statements to express your feelings and thoughts without blaming or accusing. For example, say, “I feel hurt when…” instead of “You always make me feel…”

3. Avoid Escalation

When confronting a narcissist, avoid attacking their ego. This will likely provoke defensiveness and escalate tensions. Instead, use “I” statements to explain how their behavior affects you. For example, “I feel hurt when you don’t ask about my day.” Avoid criticizing or blaming them. Stay calm and give them space if they get defensive. The goal is to communicate your needs in a respectful manner, not escalate an argument.

how to combat narcissism by avoiding escalation, how to deal narcissist , dealing narcissist, deal with narcissists, dealing with a narcissist
4. Ask if they would like constructive feedback before offering any

If they say yes, ask them when they’d be emotionally open to hearing this feedback. This gives them the opportunity to self-reflect and become more aware of their emotional state. Asking a narcissistic person if they are open to constructive feedback can also help create a more receptive and less defensive environment for the conversation. It encourages them to reflect on their response and may increase the chances of them being more open to the feedback. It also demonstrates your willingness to engage in a more collaborative and less confrontational dialogue. 

5. Communicate Empathy While Still Maintaining Your Boundaries

Try to understand their perspective and why they act the way they do, even if you disagree with their behavior. Validate their feelings that underly the unacceptable behavior and show care and concern. This empathetic approach can soften their defenses and promote understanding between you.

6. Be Clear and Specific

Communicate your needs and concerns clearly and concisely. Avoid vague or ambiguous language. Narcissists may exploit ambiguity to manipulate or deflect responsibility.

7. Stay on Topic

Maintain focus on the issue at hand. Narcissists often try to derail conversations. Politely steer the conversation back to the subject when they attempt to divert it.

8. Avoid Power Struggles

Narcissists often seek power and dominance in conversations. Avoid getting into power struggles and focus on collaborative problem-solving instead. To clearly communicate your intention of not engaging in a power struggle and expressing your desire to foster understanding in the conversation, you can use statements like these:

  1. “I’m not looking for a winner or loser in this conversation. I’m more interested in us understanding each other’s perspectives and finding a way forward together.”

  2. “I don’t want this to turn into a power struggle. Let’s focus on getting a better understanding of each other’s views and finding common ground.”

  3. “I’m not here to prove anyone right or wrong. My goal is to have a productive discussion where we can learn from each other and work toward a solution.”

  4. “Can we approach this conversation with the intention of mutual understanding and cooperation rather than trying to win an argument?”

These statements emphasize your commitment to constructive communication and de-escalating potential power struggles. They communicate your willingness to work together and prioritize understanding over winning an argument.

6. Mindfully decide where the line is drawn and when to leave the relationship

It is important to determine what behaviors would be unacceptable enough that you need to re-evaluate or terminate the relationship. For example, you may decide that any physical violence, severe verbal abuse, financial exploitation, or infidelity would cross the line and mean it’s time to get out.

Knowing your deal breakers ahead of time helps you recognize when those lines have been crossed and give yourself permission to walk away. It prevents you from making excuses or second guessing when intolerable behavior occurs.

You may also establish progressive consequences for less severe but still harmful behaviors, such as reduced contact after lies or limiting interactions to public settings only if they are emotionally abusive. Define how many chances are reasonable to give.

Deciding on your hard limits and knowing when enough is enough empowers you to stand up for yourself when boundaries are continually violated. It helps you leave before the narcissist’s unhealthy behaviors escalate and cause further damage. You deserve relationships where your well-being is valued.

how to combat narcissism by staying connected and getting support, how to deal narcissist , dealing narcissist, deal with narcissists, dealing with a narcissist

7. Don't be isolated. Get support

Learn how to combat narcissism by staying connected to others and seeking support

Seeking support when dealing with the harmful effects of narcissism is not only important but often necessary. The emotional and psychological impact of narcissistic behavior can be overwhelming, making it essential to reach out to a supportive network. Friends and family can offer emotional validation, helping you feel understood and less isolated in your experiences. They can provide an objective perspective on the situation, share healthy coping strategies, and create a safe space for you to express your feelings. Moreover, they can play a pivotal role in ensuring your safety and well-being if you’re in a toxic or abusive relationship.

Additionally, seeking professional guidance from therapists, counselors, or support groups is highly beneficial. These professionals have the expertise to help you learn how to combat narcissism. They can also help you navigate complex relationships with narcissists and assist in the process of recovering from the emotional impact. They can offer specialized guidance, strategies, and tools to help you cope and heal. 

Seeking support from your support network and professionals is a testament to your strength and self-care. It can prevent the isolation often imposed by narcissists and provide the emotional and practical resources needed to cope with the challenges and ultimately heal from the effects of narcissistic behavior. You don’t have to go through this journey alone, and there are people who genuinely want to help and support you.


Priscilla is a therapist, psychoanalyst, and the practice owner of Imagine Emotional Wellness, a culturally responsive online therapy practice in New York, New Jersey, and Washington DC. 

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