Inner Child Wounds – Childhood Trauma in Adults
Inner child wounds are attachment injuries we carry into adulthood because of childhood trauma. Here are some signs & ways to heal your inner child.
你回想到過去,仍然給你帶來痛苦。童年時期的痛苦經歷給你的內心染上了一個灰暗的世界……像是童年創傷、自戀型父母、家庭中的混亂以及背叛創傷等等經歷持續影響著你對自己的看法和與他人的互動。 你想要擺脫舊的痛苦,但不知從何開始。你並不是單獨的個例,許多高效能「自閉症?」的成年人都在應對他們原生家庭的隱藏後遺症。他們試圖彌補內心的自責,羞恥或不足感,而去扮演完美主義者、討好他人或高成就者的角色。
Providing Virtual Therapy in New York, New Jersey, and DC.
Four -Year Psychoanalytic Training, Institute of Contemporary Psychotherapy (2022)
Master of Social Work, Silberman School of Social Work a Hunter College (2017)
Bachelor of Arts in Psychology, Magna Cum Laude, New York University (2014)
2-Day: Trauma Conference: The Body Keeps Score-Trauma Healing with Bessel van der Kolk, MD (2020)
Even though there are no quick fixes or easy answers when it comes to healing, people can experience growth and development as they work through past traumas. Successful professionals struggling with high-functioning anxiety and depression can finally move toward clarity and fulfillment in their inner world.
Cultivating and deepening your self-awareness is a journey towards recognizing and understanding all aspects of yourself, the things that trigger you, your inner dialogues, your emotions, including difficult ones such as shame, jealousy, and anger.
Without understanding yourself, you may inadvertently remain stuck in patterns of thinking, feeling, and being that stifle the quality of your life.
There is so much more to everyone, you included if you are willing to do the work and look within.
Deepening your self-awareness and helping you heal from past pains is my aim in therapy.
Click here to learn more about what makes our practice different.
我们是蓝十字蓝盾、Cigna、Aetna和United Health Care等所有主要保险公司的非网络提供者。
治疗师,就像所有人类一样,拥有不同的个性和工作方式。自然地,不是每个人都适合彼此。尽管如此,我们仍然很高兴能成为您旅程的一部分,并希望通过为您提供寻找治疗师的建议以及联系我们的网络,看看是否有人提供您正在寻找的治疗方式,来尽我们所能地帮助您 🙂
Inner child wounds are attachment injuries we carry into adulthood because of childhood trauma. Here are some signs & ways to heal your inner child.
Unsure what to talk about in therapy? Here’s a guide on how to get the most out of each session with ideas for therapy topics to discuss.
Interested in a therapeutic approach that goes beyond surface-level symptom relief and dives into the underlying roots of your challenges? In this blog post, we will geek out (in detail!) on all the aspects of psychodynamic therapy, a therapeutic approach that helps you uncover the underlying patterns, unresolved conflicts, and unconscious processes that may hold you back.
Quality virtual counseling for emotional healing & emotional wellness.
In New York, New Jersey, and DC